My Life, My Education is a common space for advocates of human rights and education to collaborate on campaigns advancing the Right to Education.

While recognizing that Education is a Right for all people of all ages, our current work is focused on the the Rights of the Child, because children are often excluded from decisions affecting their education (which is a violation of the Child’s “Right to be Heard”, § 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).

My Life, My Education is not on organization (no constitution, no membership, no office-bearers, etc.). It has an online presence on a Discord server (please email for an invitation); on Facebook and LinkedIn; and this website

Our first campaign called on the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child to clarify that “compulsory education” means a guarantee of universal access to good quality education and does not mean forcing a child to attend school.

Currently we supporting several events at the Learning Planet festival promoting Human Rights in Education

To contact the administrators of the site please email