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Upcoming Events

We are supporting 3 events at the annual Learning Planet Festival (January 22 to 27) to promote human rights and democratic education.  

The theme of the festival, “Uniting to Transform Education”, is a rallying cry for us to ensure that our vision of how education can best serve every young person is represented in the global educational debate.

How can you help?

  1. Participate at the 3 events offered by MLME
  2. Participate in other sessions of interest at the Festival and use your voice
  3. If you are on Facebook or LinkedIn, say you are “attending” the events and use the platform’s functionality to invite your contacts (including families in SDE/Democratic Education, Education Professionals / Policy Makers, Rights Defenders, etc) to join
  4. Spread the word using your newsletters, Substack, Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, etc. Feel free to adapt this message as required (template for email, WhatsApp, Discord) and/or share these posts from LinkedIn and Facebook. You may also use this video.
  5. Register your organization as a partner of the Learning Planet Alliance to increase the visibility and amplify the voices of those advocating for human rights and democratic education.

For your convenience, here are direct links to access the events across the different platforms

Jan 22 | Real Student Agency within Public Education: A case study from Estonia
17:00 – 18:30 UTC | Zoom | LP Festival | MLME | Facebook | LinkedIn 

Jan 24 | The biggest barrier to Rights-Affirming Education and how to dismantle it
07:00 – 08:30 UTC | Zoom | LP Festival | MLME | Facebook | LinkedIn 
17:30 – 19:00 UTC | Zoom | LP Festival | MLME | Facebook | LinkedIn 

Jan 25 | Beyond Visioning: How to successfully implement change in Education
17:30 – 19:00 UTC | Zoom | LP Festival | MLME | Facebook | LinkedIn

Thank you!

Past Events

  • Screening of Documentary on Suvemäe (School Within a School in Estonia) + Discussion on Dec 10th
    • Recording on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook
    • Please help continue the conversation:
      1. Engage with the posts (comment about what resonated with you, ask questions, etc.)
      2. Share – share in your profiles, send to people you think should watch this, invite them to engage by commenting on the posts