IDEC 2023 Resolution – Sharing in your country

Thank you for helping to share the IDEC 2023 Resolution.
Here are some guidelines for how to do this.

How to share the IDEC Resolution in your country

STEP 1: Sharing the original IDEC 2023 Resolution – from 11th Nov to 20th Nov

  • We are going to start by sharing ONLY the official IDEC 2023 Resolution, the time for adding to the message in our own ways will come soon afterwards – let’s all be patient so that the whole campaign can have full impact.

11th and 12th November – official translation teams will be translating the press release. If you would like to volunteer to help with translation, please let us know ASAP. We will start with just a small number of translations to be sure that they are high enough quality. Further translations will be added later.

13th November – you will receive a press kit. Please send this to a newspaper in your own country ASAP.

First prize – send it through a personal contact to a journalist who writes for a major publication and works with education as a topic

Otherwise, if you have no way to get it to a specific journalist, then send it to a major publication. Check back with them to find out if they intend to cover it, otherwise, send it to a different publication. 

Get a commitment that it will be covered and published specifically over the weekend of the 18th/19th November. Ask them please not to publish it sooner if at all possible

As soon as the article is available in published form, send a scan (for hard copy) or a link (for online) to

20th November – share all of the publications on social media as widely as possible using the hashtags (ADD HASHTAGS)

STEP 2: Sharing endorsements and support as well as local and personal experiences related to IDEC 2023 Resolution –  20th Nov to 10th Dec  – more information coming soon

Here is a Press Kit file containing everything that you will need (REPLACE WITH UPDATED PRESS KIT)