IDEC 2023 Resolution – Sharing with your mailing list

Thank you for helping to share the IDEC 2023 Resolution
Here are some guidelines for how to share the IDEC Resolution with your mailing list.

Stage 1: Sharing the IDEC 2023 Resolution starting on the 20th Nov

  1. Send out the following news to your mailing list in your own way.
    a. It turns out the ‘elementary education shall be compulsory” in human rights documents actually doesn’t refer to making school attendance compulsory – we will be sharing the evidence for this very soon.
    b. The International Democratic Education Conference 2023 in Nepal is calling on the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to clarify this.
    c. We need as many people as possible to spread this wonderful news once it is publicly released. We’re all going to do it at the same time for maximum impact, so watch this space.
    d. We are going to start by sharing ONLY the official IDEC 2023 Resolution, the time for adding to the message in our own ways will come soon afterwards – let’s all be patient so that the whole campaign can have full impact.
  2. Let your mailing list know to look out for a mailer from you on the weekend of the 19th of November containing links to news articles published over the course of the weekend.
  3. will send you a mail and a link to a webpage where the links are being curated. Send this out in your mailer encouraging your members to start sharing.
  4. Ask your members to share these links everywhere they can, as soon as they receive the mailer, using the hashtags (ADD TAGS tbc)
  5. If they have an organisational or personal blog or website they can also post up the IDEC 2023 resolution on the 20th November with their statement of endorsement and support, and share this to social media using the hashtags
  6. On Monday the 20th and for the next two weeks it will also be useful for members to search using the hashtags so that they can like, comment and share what other people have shared.
  7. Anyone who wants to help translate the IDEC 2023 Resolution, or articles about it, can contact to join a team of others working in their particular language.

Stage 2: Sharing Personal Experiences of ‘Compulsory’

1. A few days to a week after the 20th November.
Let your mailing list know that the next step will be sharing their own views and especially personal experiences around the word ‘Compulsory’. You can also do this as an organization if you are one. There are several ways to do this.
The focus should be on:

  • how having educational resources forced on you or people that you know (or learning communities that you have experience with) got in the way of effective education, and/or…
  • how having educational freedom and student autonomy made for good educational experiences or outcomes.

Here are options, starting with the easiest:

  • Go to the website for links to social media and blog posts as well as memes that can be shared (website address will be shared on 19th Nov).
  • Create your own social media and blog posts and memes – please send links to these to for posting onto the website for sharing.
  • Countries, organizations and individuals can send their own submissions direct to CRC referring to IDEC23R and adding their own issues, cc